NEW Cellulite Secret Destroys “Cottage Cheese Thighs” So That ANY Woman At ANY Age Can Visibly SEE Smoother, Leaner & Sexier Legs in Just 28 Days
“Mommy, why are your legs so lumpy?”
Imagine putting on a swimsuit for the first time in months.
And then, just moments later…
You notice complete strangers pointing and staring at the dimples on the back of your thighs and butt.
Hopefully that’s something that will never happen to you. But…
That’s exactly what happened to Jane while on vacation…
Having unpacked her bags, she put on her bathing suit and made her way down to the pool with the rest of the family.
She couldn’t wait to sit back, relax and enjoy her favorite cocktail.
“This is heaven” she thought to herself. But…
Do You Dream of Dimple Free Legs?
That's when things took a turn for the worse…
Jane was just taking a sip of her cocktail when those seven little words struck her like a lightning bolt…
“Mommy, why are your legs so lumpy?”
Jane nearly choked on her drink…
The culprit?
A baby faced assassin…
Children have a habit of saying what they see and Jane’s 6-year old daughter was no different.
Jane looked around to see if anyone had overheard her daughter’s curious question. But unfortunately…
EVERYONE had heard and was now staring at Jane AND her “orange peel thighs”…
At least that’s the way it felt in that moment.
She turned bright red in the blink of an eye and scrambled to cover up her thighs with anything she could find.
Of course, she tried to laugh it off…
But deep down it hurt…
She couldn't deny it…
Her legs were lumpy.
“Orange Peel Skin” Gets Worse With Age…
She had suffered with dimples on her hips, butt and thighs for years and wearing a swimsuit was challenging at the best of times without having her daughter tell everyone about it…
For the rest of the vacation, she kept her legs covered up.
She was so embarrassed by the dimples on her hips, butt and thighs that she couldn't even bring herself to take a dip in the pool with the rest of her family, scared of what other people might think or say if they caught a glimpse of her “lumpy legs” again.
She'd tried lotions, dry brushing and even smeared coffee granules all over her legs in a desperate attempt to get rid of the cellulite.
Nothing had worked and if anything the dimples on her hips, butt and thighs had been getting worse as the years rolled by.
She'd all but resigned herself to living with “lumpy legs” for the rest of her life, when a chance encounter with an English gentleman changed everything…
She was skeptical at first. It wasn’t like this man was a plastic surgeon or anything like that, yet the more this Englishman spoke about cellulite, the more it all made sense. And…
For the first time ever, she finally understood what cellulite was truly caused by and now had the secret to quickly smoothing out those dreaded dimples. In fact…
If you continue reading, I'm going to tell you exactly what this English gentleman said and reveal the controversial bodyweight hack that reverses lumpy legs in as little as 28 days…
An English Gentleman With A Simple Fix
99% Of So Called Experts Have It Completely Wrong…
Unfortunately traditional treatments such as creams, detox pills and thigh massage brushes simply don't work or are at best a short term fix.
That's because you're about to discover the real reason you suffer with cellulite on your hips, butt and thighs and how you can reverse that unsightly orange peel skin in just 28-days with a simple bodyweight hack that you can do anywhere…
4 Cellulite Myths You Must Avoid If You Ever Want To Destroy Orange Peel Skin…
Myth #1: Excess Body Fat
It's true, cellulite involves excess fat, but not in the way that most people have been led to believe. You see…
There are any supermodels and A-list celebrities that don't have an ounce of fat on their bod, yet they still have cellulite. So what gives?
Well, bulging fat cells are part of the equation, but it’s really the connective fibers between your skin and muscle that create the lumpy, dimpling effect.
Collagen fiber strands that attach skin to muscle pull down the layer of skin and create those unsightly, dimpled pockets.
Myth #2: Preparation H
Preparation H is normally used for hemorrhoids. Right?
I say normally because there are some women that have been using this cream in attempt to smooth out cellulite.
Apparently, all you need to do is smother Preparation H on to the troublesome patches of cellulite and hey-presto, your cellulite will vanish FOREVER.
The reality is that an older version of Preparation H was able to tighten skin, at least in the short term (12-24 hours), yet prolonged use leads to the skin becoming thinner and cellulite being more visible.
Myth #3: Coffee Scrubs
You've probably heard that scrubbing used coffee beans on your thighs can help. Right?
Here's the truth…
The caffeine helps widen blood vessels and the scrubbing motion increases circulation, plumping up the skin and making cellulite look less obvious. But…
It has an extremely short term effect and doesn't target the root cause of cellulite.
Myth #4: “Blasting” Devices
“Blasting” is relatively new on the scene and is said to reduce cellulite by reducing the knots in connective tissue. While this isn't a bad thing, any improvement in the appearance of cellulite is short lived and largely caused by increased blood flow to the surrounding muscle tissue in the problem area.
Plus, this method often leads to painful bruising which can last for several days at a time!
These Myths Simply Prolong Your Heartache And Prevent You From Ever Losing Your Embarrassing Lumpy, Bumpy, Orange Peel Skin
Look, I know that you're probably confused about cellulite and you've no doubt tried the lotions and scrubs. Maybe you've even tried a whacky gadget or some crazy diet in a desperate bid to remove all those dimples?
When you used these methods did cellulite disappear from your butt, hips and thighs?
Unfortunately, I think we both know the answer.
It's really not your fault…
So, let me be straight with you. The reason you you didn't succeed with all these other anti-cellulite treatments:
I hate to say it, but it's because you've been lied to…
Instead to get silky, smooth and, dare I say, sexy legs you need a NEW approach…a SMARTER approach…
One that focuses on the root cause of cellulite, so that just after a few short weeks you can visibly see the dimples vanish, finally giving you the silky smooth legs that you can show off and no longer feel embarrassed to show them off in public, no matter what your age.
What you REALLY need is a system that:
Produces Dramatic Results So That You Can Visibly See Smoother Legs In As Little As 7-9 Days From Now
Destroys Cottage Cheese Thighs By Tackling The Root Cause Of Cellulite Head On
Fits Into Your Busy Lifestyle And Can Be Done In The Comfort Of Your Own Home
Once You Discover The Secret To Reversing Lumpy Cellulite You’ll FINALLY Have The Solution You’ve Wanted And For The First Time In A Long Time SEE Silky, Smooth Legs Once Again
Cellulite Elimination Training
The #1 Solution For Women That Are Deeply Frustrated With Embarrassing “Cottage Cheese Thighs”
Why is Cellulite Elimination Training the #1 choice for achieving the smooth, sexy and dimple free thighs, butt and hips you have always wanted, FASTER than you ever thought possible?
I'm glad you asked! Unlike other so-called cellulite solutions that blame skin issues, trapped toxins or excess fat in the lower body for the dimpled appearance that plagues so many women, Cellulite Elimination Training focuses on the REAL issue…
When lower body muscles, such as those found in your thighs, butt and hips are neglected the skin on top has no real support and those dreaded dimples and bumps simply show through. This is worsened by the fact that women have weaker connective tissue between the skin and the muscle, causing fat cells to bulge. Yet…
There's a simple fix that has been completely overlooked by the big companies, perhaps because this solution can't be bottled and sold for millions of dollars…
This simple solution tones all your muscle fibers, so that the muscle gradually pushes against the connective tissue and fat cells, making the outer layer of the skin more taut forcing the dimples and bumps to fade away.
This Unique System Can Be Used By ANY Woman OF ANY Age To SEE Smoother, Sexier Legs In Just Days From Now!
You see, if your lower body muscles don't get proper stimulation the lumps and bumps just get worse and worse. By stimulating ALL muscle fibers and encouraging growth in those areas you're able to push the muscle against the fat cells and the connective tissue, so that the skin becomes tighter and you have silky smooth legs again.
Destroy Orange Peel Skin With This 3 Step System
Cellulite Elimination Training™ uses a simple 3 step system to reverse cellulite and give you silky, smooth legs in as little as 7-9 days.
By following this simple formula you can stimulate the necessary muscle fibers in your lower body, so that they are encouraged to grow and force the connective tissue and fat cells towards the skin, giving you smoother, sexier legs for years to come.
And this is how ANY woman, at ANY age, at Any fitness level can reverse orange peel skin and finally wear a swimsuit without fearing embarrassment.
In fact, when you put this 3 step system to use you'll notice changes in your thighs, butt and hips very quickly and that's because the movements used in this highly effective system aren't fancy healthy club exercises using machines. In fact…
Traditional gym exercises only focus on 2-dimensional movements, which neglect certain muscles and in order to reverse cellulite fully you need to use 3-dimensional movements that tone all your lower body muscles, so that they gradually push into the fat cells and connective tissue, so that the outer layer of the skin gets tighter forcing the bumps and dimples fade away. Plus…
To achieve silky smooth legs, you need to target both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. Again, the majority of gym routines rarely place any emphasis on the tempo of each exercise performed and therefore fail to remove all patches of cellulite.
And finally these specific movements, using specific tempos, need to be combined in a specific manner, so that you can effectively reverse cellulite quickly and go on to enjoy your new silky, dimple free butt, thighs and hips by showing them off to friends, family and random people in the street.
Your 3 Step System To A Dimple Free Butt, Thighs And Hips…
Lift & Tone
Stimulate all lower body muscles using movements that work the body through different planes of motion.
Melt Away Stubborn Fat
Rebalance your fat burning hormones, so that you can actually burn away stubborn fat in the hips, butt and thighs.
Naturally boost collagen production
Combine specific exercises and movements that switch on your “youth hormone” and boost your body's collagen production.
You might be wondering how I know all of this? Well, I'll let you into a little secret…
The English gentleman is in fact me and my name is Gavin Walsh.
I’ve spent the last 15 years helping 1,000’s of women, just like you, transform their out of shape, flabby body to a toned and sexy body that turns heads.
I’ve seen first hand the struggles that women in their 30's, 40's , 50's and 60's have been through and why so many fad diets and exercise routines have left them out of shape with almost no hope of getting the body they really want.
Fortunately, I’ve been able to work with some of the world's top fitness and fat loss experts and have seen their best kept secrets first hand.
Through my own private clients I’ve been able to build on these secrets and even throw in a few cheeky ones of my own!
In fact nowadays, I’m regularly sought out by the press to comment and contribute on fitness and fat loss matters featuring in the likes of Men's Health, Women's Health, Men's Fitness, Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar to name just a few.
Of course, one of major problems that women have asked me about over the years is cellulite and how to get rid of it. It's a pain in the butt, maybe not physically, but certainly emotionally. It can stop you from doing the things you want to and bring your mojo down to earth with a bang. Yet…
When I spoke to these women about the things they had tried, they were going about it all the wrong way. That's when I started to develop an easy to follow system that would help these women reverse the true cause of cellulite and in doing so help thousands of women around the world smooth out the ugly lumps and bumps in their hips, thighs and butt.
My Cellulite Solution
For Women That Are Deeply Frustrated With Orange Peel Skin And That Truly Desire Silky, Smooth, Sexy Legs In As Little As 28 Days
I’m absolutely convinced that these anti-cellulite secrets I’m about to share with you will FINALLY help boost your confidence and show off your smooth, sexy legs with pride.
You see, even though I’ve been using the same unique system with hundreds of my personal clients…
I’m on a mission to help as many women banish their “cottage cheese thighs” as possible by using the Cellulite Elimination Training protocol to reveal beautiful, smooth, silky legs for years to come.
And, the only way I can do this is by packaging up my Cellulite Elimination Training method into one easy-to-use, follow along system that ANY woman can follow, no matter what age or fitness level to get their best pair of legs they've ever had.
In fact, I've specifically designed this anti-cellulite system for women that have struggled with the appearance of their legs for several years and are in need a rescue plan to help boost their confidence and feel sexy again.
Here's The Exact Training System Broken Down Into 3 Specific Routines…
When I first created the My Cellulite Solution I knew that I needed to do more than simply focus ‘toning' exercises, especially if I wanted to reverse cellulite in record time. And that's why I created these 3 unique routines…
These short routines will end your cellulite frustrations and give you the confidence to show off your legs once again.
The unique combination of each exercise and workout routine causes your cellulite to disappear almost effortlessly and when you SEE a smoother, dimple free skin in the mirror just days from now, it really spurs you on to do even more.
Let me tell you about each workout routine below…
Elimination Routine #1: Slow Burn
Transform Your Orange Peel Skin With Laser Like Focus
These simple, yet highly effective routines, are designed to tone every muscle fiber forcing your pesky cellulite dimples to fade away into nothingness leaving you with nothing but beautifully smooth, silky skin.
Here's a taste of what you'll discover…
Elimination Routine #2: Velocity
Stimulate Long Lost Muscle Fibers Back Into Action
Here's a taste of what you'll discover…
Elimination Routine #3: Ascend
Bring The Hammer Down On Your Pesky Cellulite
Here's a taste of what you'll discover…
You Simply Can't Find These Dimple Free Secrets Anywhere Else Other Than On This Very Page
This system is truly unique and virtually guaranteed to work when you follow the simple 3-step system.
Lotions, potions and “blasting” sessions simply DON’T work and will only leave you frustrated for years to come. That's because these treatments don't focus on the true cause of cellulite. Instead, put the Cellulite Elimination Training into practice for just 28 days and I’d go as far as to saying that you’ll never experience anything quite like it.
I've spent years training 1000’s of women, just like you, and have first hand experience of the struggles you've been through. Yet the good news is that when women have used this powerful system they've not only reverse their cellulite for the first time in years, but they've also gone to discover a new found confidence in themselves and are no longer ashamed to show off their silky, smooth legs.
NO other program targets your orange peel skin with laser like precision – This is the best AND only way to remove cellulite for good.
Look, the bottom line is: you simply can’t find anything like this anywhere else except on this very page.
I know how busy you are with the kids, family and work. Yet, that’s the beauty of this program. I’ve designed it in a specific way so that you can get your workouts done and then get on with your day with minimal fuss, all while gradually giving you silky, smooth legs day after day.